My Services
As your certified Life Coach, I offer you unyielding support and perspective when you need to transcend your inner challenges and rise to your true potential (in normal person speak that's: "how to get what you want out of life").
I've witnessed people who I'm coaching make life-transforming changes in just a few sessions.
Having a good coach helps you to build a bridge to your dreams: connecting where you are to where you want to be, step by step
​If you're interested in any of the below services, contact me now to arrange an initial discussion about your needs.

Life Coaching
I offer a 10-12 week intensive life coaching courses to support you in gaining clarity, connection to your purpose and all of the resources you need to achieve what you set out to.

Mindset Makeover
Are you constantly feeling like you're getting things wrong? That the world is out to get you? That you're overwhelmed or helpless?
This 4 week mind-set make-over course can help you get back into the driving seat and enjoying life again.

Relationship mediation
If you have a conflict in a relationship I provide coaching to either one, two, or more involved parties, to support the reaching of a resolution which meets the needs of all parties involved, preserving respect and empathy as a priority.

Parent or Educator Coaching
I have successfully started a home education hub and am in the process of setting up a progressive self-directed education micro-school, and would love to share tips on approaching this road less travelled with families considering or embarking on a home education journey.
As a working, home educating parent of twins, I can also provide coaching to parents of young children and toddlers.

Resource Recommendations
Having read extensively on the topics of personal development, empathic communication and parenting, I'm happy to provide 'recommended reading/viewing' tips to those looking to dip a toe a little further without the financial commitment to coaching sessions.